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It is ages since I updated my blog with something interesting. A discussion on threads with friends made me hunt for threads in my stash. Another discussion in a facebook group reminded me that Onam the harvest festival was on Tuesday, September 13. So I began doodling with thread and came up with the Pookalam which is a traditionally laid out design using flowers in front of one’s home during the festival of Onam.

Onam is a big festival for Kerala,the southernmost part of India. It is also known as the harvest festival and also the homecoming of the mythical king Mahabali. This festival is celebrated with decorations in front of the homes using colourful flowers known as pookalam. As my ancestors came from Kerala pookalam was an important feature in the homes of many relatives. Each year I decide to make a pookalam but never make it. This time I tried to make a pookalam at least with the colorful threads from my stash.

Here is how to make this doily. It hasn’t been tested for errors. So if you find one do let me know. If you happen to make one do share pictures with me on Ravelry.



Materials: Anchor Knitting Cotton

Hook: 2.5mm

Round 1: Using the magic circle make dc5tog, ch3, eight times into the loop. Join with ch1 and dc into the beg ch. Tighen the loop. Fasten off.

Round 2: Join new color. Ch 5, sc in next loop. Continue around, ch2, join with dc with beg ch. (16 loops)

Round 3: dc5tog in same space, ch3, sc in next sp, ch 3, *(dc5tog, ch3, dc5tog in next space, ch 3) * repeat from *to * around, dc 5tog in beg loop, ch1 dc join to beg ch.

Round 4: Ch 5, sc, around. Join with ch2, dc. (16 loops)

Round 5: dc 5tog, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch3, *(dc5tog, ch3, dc5tog) *, end with dc5tog, ch 1 dc to the beg ch. Fasten off.

Round 6: Change color. Ch 5, dc, ch3, dc in next st (V-stitch made), ch3, sc in next loop ch3  *( dc, ch3, dc in next st) * Rep from * to * around. Join with ch2, dc to beg chain. (8 V-stitches made)

Round 7: ch5, *(dc3tog, ch2, dc3tog, picot, dc3tog, ch2, dc3tog) * ch5 sc in next loop, repeat from *to * around. Join with sl st to beg chain. Fasten off. Block and enjoy.


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